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Puntuació mitjana 89 Ressenyes
Jésus Fusillé ha valorat a Google

Excellent, Welcome and quiet setting, very very good kitchen, We had a lovely evening

fa 1 any
Sophie Guillemin ha valorat a Google

Fast service, excellent cuisine. Lots of flavors. Really affordable price. Too bad this restaurant has few people in the evening. The menu is very varied. It's tasty food. I recommend without any hesitation. The dishes are very generous.

fa 2 anys
Lucas ROHN ha valorat a Google

Très bonne adresse, repas copieux et très bon, un prix très abordable, nous recommandons sans hésiter ! À bientôt !

fa 2 anys
Lucas ROHN ha valorat a Google

Very good address, hearty and very good meals, a very affordable price, we recommend without hesitation! See you soon !

fa 2 anys
Lucas ROHN ha valorat a Google

Very good address, hearty and very good meals, a very affordable price, we recommend without hesitation! See you soon !

fa 2 anys
Lucas ROHN ha valorat a Google

Very good address, hearty and very good meals, a very affordable price, we recommend without hesitation! See you soon !

fa 2 anys
Lucas ROHN ha valorat a Google

Very good address, hearty and very good meals, a very affordable price, we recommend without hesitation! See you soon !

fa 2 anys
Lysiane Destieux ha valorat a Google

Good food. Pleasant setting Good value for money Nice welcome

fa 2 anys
Lysiane Destieux ha valorat a Google

Good food. Pleasant setting Good value for money Nice welcome

fa 2 anys
Lysiane Destieux ha valorat a Google

Good food. Pleasant setting Good value for money Nice welcome

fa 2 anys

Chinatown© 2024
Avís legal

30 Rue Albert 1er
59140 Dunkerque, France

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